Wow its been a long time again, and again..... Summer has lost all of her weight pretty much and is looking really great. She cut her hair and I'm loving it even though I thought I would like the longer hair better. We have moved into a house in Orlando that is really nice. It's big and spacious and free rent can't be beat. But it won't last. Sam and Jakey are doing great in kindergarten and 1st grade. Addison has been attending Kindercare day-care when Summer has been going to UCF. Speaking of UCF Summer is almost done and ready to graduate after just one more semester. I am trying to decide what I want to do for a graduate degree. MBA? Law Degree? Digital Forensics? Lots of questions. Not sure what I am supposed to do, really.
My Dad died at the end of January this year. His lifelong battle with Diabetes, and a nasty case of MRSA from a nursing home got him in a weeks time. I had to pull the plug and I watched his life expire. It still haunts me at times....
When we moved we switched wards and are now in a different stake as well. The new ward is very affluent and we are having a difficult time adjusting really. We miss our old ward and our old friends.
The house business is picking up we've closed five houses in the past few months. Best part time job I've ever had! We're reopening our company for tax purposes too which is great progress.
My 9-5 job has done well too. I am signing up accounts left and right and getting recognized for it. But I am one rep of three in a small geographical area and I am afraid that in this economic climate it may mean that I get laid off or "down sized". If it does I won't be surprised but I'm trying to do my best to make me too valuable.