Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Training Numbers

Training Totals
2011 2010
  Dist Hours Avg Pace Dist Hours  Avg Pace
Swim 81311 30 2:11/100 yd 96773 34 2:05/100 yd
Bike 2426 169 14.3 mph 1791 136 13.19 mph
Run 617 138 13:27 per mile 462 114 14:51 per mile
Strength   11 13 min/week   20 22 min/week

353 hours total for 2011. 

So I'm pleased with most of my year. My swim mileage was down and it looks like I got slower but I really think I made up for that in my bike and run improvement. Almost 80 seconds per mile faster is awesome. I was run/walking this time last year. Now I'm running no problem. 

Improving over 1 mph on the bike is great too. That means so much over the course of a race. Plus its on the same old school bike frame so that's just me and my fitness gains. Mileage for the run and bike are up big time. That's great. I'm so happy! 

Over 350 hours for the year. 40 more hours then last year. Considering that I only did two races on Sundays and then took the rest of them off through the year, I'm so happy that I'm averaging over an hour of exercise per day. For me that is consistency. And that is the key. 

Next year will see me going over 400 hours for the year. A lot more strength for the year. I'm doing more Olympic lifts along with prehab and endurance strength exercises to keep me pain free. 

This means over 2 years of consistent training for me. I have proven to myself that I can keep my weight off. It also has shown me that I can continue to lose weight and get back down to a healthy weight and keep improving. Getting faster and fitter everyday.

Here's to a successful 2011 and to a even better 2012!

Posted via email from Matt's posterous

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hot and Humid


It's so freaking hot now. I'm a big and I've never done well in extreme heat even when I was in good shape. But now carrying 75 extra pounds its a suffer feast when the humidity levels get above 70%. Tonight was case in point. 4 mile easy run after an hour easy on the bike this morning. Took salt pill and kept my HR down but my perceived effort was through the roof. I walked for the first time during a run in several months. See the lovely pic for a demo of the humidity around these parts. Oh and tomorrow is a balmy 97!

Posted via email from Matt's posterous

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Jan Training

Swimming: 3.9 mi on track for 46.8 miles swimming, very short of my 113 mile goal

Biking: 90.5 mi on track for 1080 miles biking, also very short of my 2750 goal

Running: 73.3 mi on track for 880 miles running, which would smash my goal of 600 miles by almost 300 miles.

So why the disparity? Baby Cece. Having a baby throws a big kink in your schedule plus its harder to swim and ride the bike with shorter days and more pressure at work to sign accounts to big contracts. 

But I'm doubling down and will get this done. We have a nice bonus and tax return coming which means a few things, most notably, paying race entry fees!

So basically I need average 240 miles a month on the bike, 17600 yards in the pool, and stay with my running at 75 a month. That breaks down to 4500 yards a week swim, 60 miles a week on the bike, and 15 miles run or so.

Sent from my iPhone 4

Posted via email from Matt's posterous

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Ray over at is having a Garmin 310xt giveaway! Go check it out!