Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Been a few days but hopefully worth the wait. Yeah right. Well we get paid soon. We are going to get a substantial amount of money from Summer's rehab project. After we get that we will have already made more money then we did all last year. But are we gonna stop there? I don't think so.

Looks like Dad is getting the boot from Dohnnie' s place. They had an argument a few days ago and Dohnnie will need the place open if he gets custody of Dannie. So Dad will probably get into assisted living and then perhaps even Omaha with Chris.

I got a weird email from my niece a few days ago. Looks like she is playing on the different team if you know what I mean. She is in SLC putting on some one act plays about being bisexuality, lesbianism, homosexuality, and all that stuff...Not that there's anything wrong with that except for everything. Whatever. Who knows.

Summer and I are working out together now pretty consistently. We are planning on a beach run tomorrow. Should be pretty exciting. Then our Wednesday lift and then onto the rest of the day. I knocked on ten doors today and I have to knock on like thirty more. And I haven't checked the south counties. Hopefully I will get some Deeds here soon I need to replenish now that I don't have short sales to glom off of.

So I will be set for the workshop as soon as this money comes. That means that I will have four days in San Francisco. I am going to rent a car and enjoy it this time. Maybe see some sights. Acutally go see Alcatraz instead of just look at it from afar. Maybe go the beach on the West Coast instead of the east coast.

Summer and I have been sleeping in lately. Yes we have two toddlers and yes we do get to sleep in. It rocks. Just happened a few weeks ago. We are enjoying it. We get to stay up late and watch movies like we are dating again without having to worry about getting up early. Lets just say I like being self-employed. Anyway I am enjoying this rant. Laters.

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